melee's blogpage

mostly blogging whatever i'm doing at the moment. casual stuff

25th March 2024

2 / my immense hatred towards alpine

alpine linux is considered a "highly customizable linux distribution" which is praised for its security, lightweightness and low usage of specs.

but no matter how hard the alpine users praise alpine, every single time i tried to get it installed, it would simply fail.

and now, hold on, i know this sounds a bit dumb and you might be saying:

"well why don't you read the manual book or use another distro?"

and i have 2 responses:

   1. i've read the manual book;

   2. i NEED it to run hypr, which is something that not all distros fit with.

and to all the arch praisers out there: arch is un-unique, boring, bland and overused, the only reason it's ever so popular is because it's very compatible with yay, which is something that i can get behind but certainly not something i'll be switching to arch for.

with that out of the way, let's go back to alpine for a second.

you see, alpine's installation process is quite.. boring. all you ever need to do is run fdisk, format some stuff and run something that installs the distro for you.

this might sound like a good thing for beginner linux users (including me), but i miss the customizability of the installation process in, for example, void (which also failed to work properly for me due to some specific reasons).

and while i did eventually get the distro up, one thing that i simply couldn't get to install was.. the de. yeah, that's right, they didn't even get the compatibility of the de right so it basically wanted to overwrite half of the xserver lang packages, which is why it didn't want to install the DE.

i've attempted specifying the installation -flags, though to no avail, which officially pronounces alpine linux DEAD in my eyes.

after the heartbreak i've just experienced with alpine, the only thing i had left to do, which was to try slackware, was really interesting and it's something i might talk about later on. for now,

peace out.


24th March 2024

#1 \ hey.

my name's melee, though mostly known online as tilesxd

this is gonna be an introduction post of sorts or whatever, so here we go

i'm really interested in css & html development and am a huge linux fan (since around 4 years ago)

if i randomly stop posting, it probable means one of 2 things:

    1. i lost this account (somehow)

    2. i found out how to blog through jekyll on gitpages

for now, this will be my main space for posting, and it will probably stay so for a while.

also check out my biolinks!!

& & out.
